Monday, October 8, 2012

the Croods.

I just saw the teaser trailer of the Croods. This was my reaction:
the Plot, or at least what they revealed of it, looked pretty interesting.
and of course, the main character is a strong-willed, frizzy-haired red head.... ring any bells?
I does make me curious if Brave is going to have positive of negative affect on the Croods....
The computer effects were excellent, Dreamworks quality, as always.
I am only completely infatuated with a movie if the score is good, and this was awesome. For the trailer, at least. The last thirty seconds or so, and I was sold.
Here's the link:
It's directed by Chris Sanders (director of Lilo ans Stitch and, more importantly, co-director of How To Train Your Dragon) and Kirk Demicco, so I'm looking forward to it!

This has been the movie addicted night fury. Thank you for reading.

Friday, October 5, 2012



so for those who don't understand what this is for, this is my fandom rant blog, where I will write movie reviews, post movie trailers, and rant about anything else that is currently occurring in this world that doesn't involve me. (yet. XD)

Since watching How to Train Your Dragon (If you haven't watched it, do so within the next month and you will be spared from my wrath), my taste for movies has drastically changed, and since then I've spent a lot of time watching movie reviews and trailers, which got me interested in the actors, so I researched the other movies they've starred in, which means I had to watch reviews and trailers for those movies.... You get the idea. In a nutshell, this blog owes HTTYD for its very existence.

I'll start this week by giving a list of movies I'm looking forward to watching, either in the theaters or on DVD, and I may or not include some trailers.

  1. Brave: I was rather excited for this movie, as Merida is the newest member to join Disney's coveted group of princesses, and the second princess to be in a computer-animated film. Contrary to the other films that Disney's produced, Merida is wild-haired and strong-headed. And this time, the setting of the story is an actual time in history, medival Scotland to be exact. (Am I the only one who's starting to notice these animated redheads appearing as main characters? Especially since I saw the teaser for the Croods by Dreamworks: Anyway, this movie breaks away from the typical theme of the princess getting carried off by the charming prince, definitely appealing to the pro females out there.
  2. Ice Age 4: This movie doesn't really interest me that much, but maybe that's because I haven't really watched the other ones. The story plot seems a little far-fetched (pirates? really?), but I try to watch movies with an open mind, and since Rio was a pretty good movie, I'm hoping this Blue Sky movie will also benefit.
  3. ParaNorman: I know it's a long ways out, but I never got the chance to see this movie in theaters, and the thing got some pretty good reviews. Plus the main character reminds me of a more extreme version of myself: he has no friends and even his family thinks he's weird, (I'm not that estranged) and he can see ghosts, who also happen to be his only friends (I've audiolucinnated a few times...)Not to mention that I'm trying to figure out how they do stop motion animation with ghosts.
  4. The Avengers Assemble: All right, for those who know me, you probably have some idea as to why I put this movie on the list. I've been telling you how awesome it is, especially since the buy able version came out 5 days ago. The Avengers had everything I wanted from a movie: massive action sequences, great acting (and actors), excellent dialogue laced with dry humor throughout, not to mention amazing cinematography and computer effects. The story never dragged, which is both a vice and a virtue for me; I hate to miss something, and the first time around I usually only focus the story, so most of the other elements will go unnoticed by me, which is why I need to obtain the DVD in some way so I can watch it again. and again. and again. and....yeah, you get the picture.
There aren't that many releases in October that stand out to me(though there are one or two), as most studios are saving the ones I desperately want to watch for the holiday season, though they're doing it for good reason. I'm praying to Thor, Odin, Thoth, Buddha, Ganesh, Jesus, Zeus, Athena, and whatever other metaphorical higher beings that exist out there to plant the thought in to my teachers' heads to assign little or no homework(please?) over winter break so I can watch my movies in peace. Several of these are based off a book, which means I have bit of reading to do. -.-

In theaters:
  1. Cloud Atlas(Oct): I don't know how to explain this one. It spans over time and space and points out how our destinies are set by the choice of others, and even the tiniest action can ripple across centuries and affect millions. Point is, it looks epic: 
  2. Wuthering Heights(Oct): based off what I've heard about the book, it's a love story between two monstrous people. I'm a little intrigued, but not overly excited. I'm thinking to save this one for DVD. Now, on to the good part!(which all happens to be in November -.-)
  3. Wreck-it Ralph: A world of games from the eighties? It sounds a little odd, but I changed my mind after seeing how this movie portrayed these classic gaming characters: I particularly liked Sergeant Calhoun. :P
  4. Man With the Iron Fists: This movie rated R. I agree with the rating after seeing the trailer, but I still think it's fascinating: Lucy Liu is being a kick-ass.
  5. Flight:  Flight is a thought provoking story about a pilot (played by Denzel Washington) who successfully landed a plane whose engines had failed, however, further investigation into the landing reveals that the pilot had alcohol in his system:
  6. Lincoln: It's directed by Steven Spielberg, one of the best movie directors in the history of our country and it's about Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country. Need I say more?
  7. Breaking Dawn Part 2: Don't judge me on this one! I knew the previous movies in the franchise sucked a lot with out even watching them, but I've been hearing rumors about how the ending would be different from the books, which I really want to see, because if you're anything like me then your a sucker for mass action sequences and was probably be just as frustrated as I was after finishing the last book:
  8. Anna Karenina: a love affair during the decline of the Russian Empire. To most people, this one's probably a 'meh', but the idea of it fascinates me in a way I can't explain:
  9. Life of Pi: Again, this one's based off a book. It's looking something like a bunch of zoo animals getting shipped by boat when the ship is sunk and this poor kid is stuck in a boat with a tiger. The trailer looks cool, anyway. Ang Lee is excellent with movies that require a lot of computer effects:
  10. Rise of the Guardians: Finally, the one I've been waiting to write about the whole time! This movie is from the creators of How To Train Your Dragon, the fact that I'm a little overly excited is kind of a given. But, hey, give me a little credit: this is battle against fear itself, the ultimate weapon of universal evil, what could be more epic that that?
That was the longest blog post I've ever written.
I hope they all won't be this long.
If you've all the way to the bottom, I'm flattered you bothered.
If you didn't, I'm not angry. Much.
So: after watching the trailers to these movies (which, hopefully, you did), which ones did you like best? Have you seen any of the movies on the DVD list? Were they any good?
And, more importantly, which ones do you think will succeed at the box office?
Please answer in the comments!

This has been the movie addicted night fury. Thank you for reading.